06. The Rise of the Life Coach

06. The Rise of the Life Coach

What makes someone feel entitled to guide others in an industry that is totally unregulated, with no set code of ethics and no accountability?

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On episode 06, Kelsey & Ashley examine the rise of the life coaching industry - in particular, during the pandemic. They discuss the MLM-like structure of mounting costs and courses and the fine line between investing in yourself versus being pressured into financial instability.

They question what makes someone feel entitled to guide others in an industry that is totally unregulated, with no set code of ethics and no accountability - and how this relates to the "colonizer mindset."

This is not to say there aren't great and respectable coaches and programs that are immensely helpful. This episode is hoping to inspire  discernment when identifying healthy boundaries, financial ethics and grounded guidance in the life coaching industry.

Find the Guardian article referenced here.

As always, these conversations are ongoing & we'd love you to be a part of them.

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Episode 06 Talking Points:

  • Dissecting the rise of the coaching industry and during the pandemic.

  • The ethics of being encouraged to drop everything and invest all that you have into life coaching programs. 

  • Selling "yourself" as a coach and what it does to the nervous system. 

  • The intentions behind becoming a coach - is it to be of service? Is it Ego? What makes you qualified? 

  • The coaching industry is in fact an unregulated industry with no set code of ethics or larger accountablity. 

  • Acknowleging that living your life in a way that is all about your own personal growth is an immense privilege. 

  • White entitlement and the colonizer mindset in the coaching industry. 

Virtuish is a collection of conversations and storytellings between friends and strangers held in pursuit of nurturing nuance and deeper understanding of the modern day human experience.